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10 Little Aeroplanes

Music is a great way of teaching basic math skills - kids learn numbers and other mathematic concepts effortlessly, while also developing a positive attitude toward math. In addition, music will help kids improve their memory and attention.

10 Little Aeroplanes is a song that I found on British Council Kids a couple of years ago. I almost forgot about it. Since we were learning about vehicles, I came across it.

After the kids have learned the song, you can use props to make it more fun. We have 2 chairs and a string tied to them. On the string we placed 10 little straw aeroplanes. You can also use them to learn how to decompose number 10 and how to count backwards.



1 little, 2 little, 3 little aeroplanes,

4 little, 5 little, 6 little aeroplanes,

7 little, 8 little, 9 little aeroplanes,

10 little aeroplanes flying high!

10 little, 9 little, 8 little aeroplanes,

7 little, 6 little, 5 little aeroplanes,

4 little, 3 little, 2 little aeroplanes,

1 little aeroplane flying high!

Click here for the song and a fun video.

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