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I use this ten frame to teach my kids subitizing. This means to be able to instantly recognize a quantity without counting.

Kids who learn how to subitize will be able to say how many objects there are in a jar/basket, how many fingers someone is holding up and, in time, they will also be able to calculate sums in their head. It is a very important skill for children.

I laminated this ten frame and the hearts, then cut them out. What I do is use blu tack to place hearts on the ten frame. Sometimes I choose the same number of hearts, but in different combinations (for example, 7= 4+3, 7=6+1, 7=5+2, etc.). Kids will understand that the same number can be decomposed in lots of ways.


  • It is important to focus on the process, not on the result.

  • You can give them a couple of seconds to look at the ten frame, then hide it. It doesn’t give them enough time to count, but it might be better because it makes them see the groups of hearts, rather than the isolated hearts.

You can download the ten frame by clicking here.

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