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A Super-Duper List of Songs :)

I have been teaching kindergarten for 5 years now, and my favourite thing to teach has always been music. Sure, I love doing crafts too, but when we learn songs everybody is singing, playing instruments, and dancing happily – while also learning. It’s the moment of the day when I can be silly and loud, and the kids can express themselves freely. Our worries are left behind and we enjoy being there with our friends.

I’ve made a list of my favourie songs EVER. Some might say that I chose too many songs from Super Simple Learning, but I couldn’t help myself. Everything they do is GREAT!’s the list. I hope you’ll find it useful (click on the songs for the videos). I’m sure I forgot a lot of songs I like, but it’s too difficult to remember all of them.

Circle time songs:

Songs about colours:

Songs about numbers:

Songs about weather:

What’s the Weather Like Today? (to the tune of Clementine):

What’s the weather? What’s the weather? What’s the weather like today?

Tell me _(insert kids name)__ what’s the weather, What’s the weather like today?

Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it cloudy out today?

Is it snowy? Is it windy? What’s the weather like today?

— No Time for Flashcards.

Songs about body parts:

Songs about animals:

Movement songs:

Songs for transitions:

Line up song (sung to the same tune as Make a circle):

Everybody make a line,

make a line, make a line,

Everybody make a line,

For now it’s … time (lunch/snack/circle/dancing)

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