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Easter Sensory Tray and Marbled Eggs

So…as I promised, I’m back with some photos of our Easter sensory tray. We have made bunny crafts, chicks, Easter baskets, even roosters!

We also practiced counting with tweezers, pompoms, and the baskets we have.





In addition, I took some photos of the awesome Easter eggs our colleagues made with the kids. This is how they made the eggs:

1. Take an egg, poke 2 holes (at opposite ends) with a needle

2. Blow in the egg to empty it

3. Place it on a stick

4. Pour water in a bowl, then add the colours (MARBLING PAINT) that you want

5. Place the egg in the coloured water.

Here are the results:




PS: Thank you K. and I. for the idea and the hard work! :)

Happy Easter!

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